1 active card
1 scanner app login
1 address for location-based push notifications
⊕ Unlimited customers
⊕ Unlimited free push messages
⊕ Review collection
⊖ Custom field names on the card
⊖ Referral program
⊖ 4 automatic push messages
⊖ Custom auto push builder
⊖ Webhook integration
⊖ Customizable manager's permissions
Up to 3 active cards
10 scanner app logins
3 addresses for location-based push notifications
⊕ Unlimited customers
⊕ Unlimited free push messages
⊕ Review collection
⊕ Custom field names on the card
⊕ Referral program
⊕ 4 automatic push messages
⊖ Custom auto push builder
⊖ Webhook integration
⊖ Customizable manager's permissions
Up to 10 active cards
50 scanner app logins
10 addresses for location-based push notifications
⊕ Unlimited customers
⊕ Unlimited free push messages
⊕ Review collection
⊕ Custom field names on the card
⊕ Referral program
⊕ 4 automatic push messages
⊕ Custom auto push builder
⊕ Webhook integration
⊕ Customizable manager's permissions
The calculation is based on these key factors: 1) spending goes up by 20%, 2) the total number of clients increases by 30%, 3) around 40% of customers are expected to sign up for digital loyalty programs.
Based on average cost of SMS / Whatsapp in the UK
Based on loyalty cards printing costs in the UK
Price of monthly plans:
Start $25 per month
Grow $45 per month
Business $85 per month